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Category Archives: Sump Pump

Categories Sump Pump

Why Does a Sump Pump Need Yearly Maintenance?

sump pump maintenance

For many homeowners, the thought never occurs to them that their sump pump even requires maintenance. Like any other machine, like your coffee machine or your car, sump pumps requires attention in order to perform the way they are intended to. Luckily, performing maintenance on your sump pump is simple! Here’s how you can improve the longevity and performance of your sump pump for Windsor’s impending heavy summer rainfalls.

Categories Sump Pump

How to Prevent Sump Pump Discharge from Freezing

freeze relief frozen discharge sump pump

Sometimes you can do everything right and still get bit in the butt. Even when you’ve installed the proper sump pump to prevent flooding, Mother Nature loves to find ways to cost homeowners more money. Windsorites are no strangers to Mother Nature’s sudden, harsh winters. With sudden, harsh winters comes sudden ground freezing. With sudden ground freezing can come frozen sump pump discharge pipes. Imagine, even with a perfectly functioning sump pump, you find yourself standing in your flooded basement, cold water up to your ankles, hands in the air, angrily cursing the skies for your misfortune.

Categories Sump Pump

What Makes Zoeller Pro Series Sump Pumps Different?

zoeller sump pump windsor

Here at Supreme, we don’t mess around. When you come to us for our services, information, or even just a quick question, it’s our mission to offer you the best solutions, answers, and products. Speaking of products—today we want to talk to you about sump pumps (we know, not our strongest segue). But before we get into the sump pump we choose for basement waterproofing, we’re going to dive briefly into what a sump pump is.