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Categories Waterproofing

What’s a Stairwell Drain and Why Do I Need One?

stairwell drain for waterproofing

There is an often forgotten about area of the home that is prone to flooding that can be disastrous if left unattended. If your home has an outdoor stairwell that leads to the basement and is subgrade (below ground level) then the bottom of that stairwell is an area of concern that should not be left unattended. Too often we have seen these stairwells turn into shallow swimming pools because they have an outdated or broken stairwell drain, or even worse, they don’t have one at all.

A stairwell drain is a system that removes water from the bottom of the stairwell. A stairwell without a drain has negative effects not only in the stairwell itself, but for the basement as a whole. Any standing water pressed against the foundation of your home is bad news. Standing water is heavier than people may think and exerts hydrostatic pressure against all surfaces it is in contact with. This hydrostatic pressure (over time) is capable of cracking concrete, creating cracks, and allowing the moisture to enter your basement.

Categories Sump Pump

Why Battery Backups Don’t Suck Anymore

pro series battery backup

Battery Backups are secondary sump pumps that turn on if the primary pump fails. They are integral to keeping your home safe during power outages, primary pump failures, or unexpected events (we’ll give you an example we had recently at the end).

Honestly, if you were to ask us ten years ago whether or not to invest in a Battery Backup, our answer would have been a flat no. Battery Backups were not well thought out and failed constantly. Now they have a terrible reputation as being a waste of money.

However, in the last ten years, Battery Backup technology has caught up to the times. We argue it is a mandatory part of your basement waterproofing system. Let’s break it down.

Categories Sump Pump

Why Pro Series Pumps Are the Premiere Sump Pump

pro series pumps

If any of you have been dutifully reading our blogs, you may remember that a while back we made a post about Zoeller sump pumps and why we choose them over all other sump pumps. However, in keeping up to date with advancing sump pump technologies and service, we are proud to now be an exclusive dealer of pro Series sump pumps!

Why did we make the switch? For the same reason we chose Zoeller before: because Pro Series sump pumps are the best sump pump solution to waterproof your basement that we could get our hands on. Sorry Zoeller, there’s a new sheriff in town. Let us run through why.

Categories Waterproofing

6 Common Causes of Basement Moisture and How they Should be Fixed

basement moisture cleanup

Basement moisture is a common problem in Windsor-Essex. We have record rainfalls each year that passes. We are surrounded by Great Lakes. Basement affects the air quality of your home, the structural integrity of your foundation, and can be expensive to fix if left unattended.

Let’s take a look at some of the signs of basement moisture problems so that no surprises come your way down the road: