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Categories Waterproofing

6 Common Causes of Basement Moisture and How they Should be Fixed

basement moisture cleanup

Basement moisture is a common problem in Windsor-Essex. We have record rainfalls each year that passes. We are surrounded by Great Lakes. Basement affects the air quality of your home, the structural integrity of your foundation, and can be expensive to fix if left unattended.

Let’s take a look at some of the signs of basement moisture problems so that no surprises come your way down the road:

Categories Waterproofing

Why You Should Consider Waterproofing Your Basement Before Moving In

Basement Inspection

Congratulations! Moving into a new home is an exciting chapter in someone’s life, and also a stressful one. There is a long list of things to do before the move: pack your belongings, get rid of anything you’re not taking with you, change your address, transfer insurance policies… it goes on! Basement waterproofing is likely at the bottom of the to-do list when preparing to move into a new home. In fact, we’d bet it’s not on the list at all. Many people don’t realize that the best time to waterproof your basement is before the move!

Categories Sump Pump

Why Does a Sump Pump Need Yearly Maintenance?

sump pump maintenance

For many homeowners, the thought never occurs to them that their sump pump even requires maintenance. Like any other machine, like your coffee machine or your car, sump pumps requires attention in order to perform the way they are intended to. Luckily, performing maintenance on your sump pump is simple! Here’s how you can improve the longevity and performance of your sump pump for Windsor’s impending heavy summer rainfalls.