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Why Carbon Fibre Repair is the Best Way to Repair a Bowed Wall

carbon fibre repair

A bowed wall is a sight that makes any homeowner’s stomach drop. The causes are plentiful. Your basement could have improper drainage, your yard could host a large amount of hydrostatic pressure. We’ve even come across a house recently where nearby tree roots were trying to push their way through the foundation. Yikes.

What if we told you there was a simple to install, inexpensive, and fast way to repair your bowed wall permanently? Gone are the days of using bulky, expensive, steel I-beams. Say hello to the world of Carbon Fibre.

What is Carbon Fibre Anyway?

Without getting too scientific, Carbon Fibre is basically just a bunch of teensy-weensy carbon atoms all connected in a chain. These chains make one of the strongest materials in the world, being ten times stronger than steel. It’s regularly used for airplane construction and repairs, bridge reinforcement, and large-scale construction projects. That’s how strong it is. The best part is, it’s super easy to work with too.

How Does it Work?

Now getting a little scientific: Carbon Fibre straps work by distributing the pressure applied against one spot of your foundation across the entire wall. A layer of epoxy resin is applied to the entire strap underneath and on top of it. The woven pattern of Carbon Fiber allows the epoxy to sink through thousands of little holes and harden. Boom, your wall is locked in place permanently.

What are the Pros of Carbon Fibre?

Carbon Fibre is indisputably the best way to repair a bowed wall for a handful of reasons. In addition to being strong as hell, it’s flexible, hugging the exact shape of your bowed wall. It’s very thin, so it’s non-intrusive to your basement and can be hidden with a layer of paint. It’s quick and easy to install and requires no maintenance after it’s done (if it’s done right). It is installed inside the house, not affecting your landscaping outside. Finally, and most importantly, it’s inexpensive compared to other methods of repair.

This Sounds Too Good to Be True

The only way Carbon Fibre is ineffective is if you screw up the install. So, here’s a couple of tips to avoid wasting your time and money. The strap must be secured into the bottom concrete slab of your basement floor, and the frame of the house above the foundation. We use joist brackets. The pressure being distributed will only run as long as the strap. If the strap only covers a portion of the wall, those strap ends become the new spots of concentrated pressure, leaving you back where you started. No wait…worse than where you started. As well, it is only effective if the wall is bowed two inches or less. If your wall is bowed more than two inches, that’s a much more serious problem that will require a different repair method.

That’s it. Carbon Fibre has a long list of benefits to you the homeowner, and to us the installers.

We at Supreme Basement Solutions offer only the best advice, solutions, and products to our customers, because we treat every home like our own. If you want to speak to an expert about more details, we encourage you to chat with us. Get in touch or call us at (519) 946-0363.